Monday, July 5, 2010

Arrival in Serengeti

On Sunday we drove from Ngorongoro to Serengeti. We will conclude our
game viewing over the next four days; on Thursday we will fly to Arusha.

On the way we stopped at the Oldapai Gorge where the Leakys discovered
multiple remains of early man. And yes, that us the correct spelling
with a "p" instead of a "v". I know because It is named after a plant
with which I have a special relationship after being gored in the hip
by one while running to keep up with the Hadza bushmen.

Just as we entered the Serengeti we saw our first cheetah! We went to
the lodge for dinner and then out for a quick game drive. We were
all very excited when Moses spotted a Black Mambo, one of the
deadliest snakes in the world. And it got even more exciting when
Monica got out of the car to 'kick the tires' not 50 yards from the
Black Mambo sighting!

After spending a nice night at the Serengeti Sopa Lodge, we left for a
pre-dawn game drive. We were rewarded for getting up early as we came
upon two female lions stalking a pair of zebras. We were right in the
middle as several other zebras approached and alerted the targeted
pair with their loud 'whoops'. So, no kill, but lots of excitement

We stopped and ate our boxed breakfast on a large granite rock in the
middle of the plains, one of the rare times we have exited the truck.
After breakfast we went on to see another dozen or so lions and lots
of elephant and giraffes.

As I write this we are back at the lodge swimming and sitting by the
pool. From poolside we can look out over the plain and watch zebras,
antelope and other characters go by.

If you are following please be sure to check the archives for new
posts as well. Sometimes we suddenly get service and multiple logs
will post - I'm afraid some new ones may even get pushed off the front

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