Monday, July 5, 2010

Ngorongoro Crater

We spent two nights at the Ngorongoro Farm House and on Saturday
descended into the Ngorongoro Crater (which is technically a caldera
because of it's size). The Ng Crater is 100 square miles and is home
to one of the largest concentrations of big animals in the world. We
saw for the first time hippos, flamingos, hyennas, and lions,
including a lioness with small cubs.

The highlight was seeing mother and child black rhinos. We hear that
there are only 20 in existence, which means we saw 10% of the total

We also saw many Masai shepherding their livestock through the crater.
They do not live in the crater itself but bring their livestock there
to eat and drink during the day.

The ascent out of the crater was absolutely breathtaking.
Unfortunately all the best photos are on the camera and I can only
post from my phone so you'll just have to take my word on it.

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