Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Last Day on Safari

Today, Wednesday, July 7th, was our last day in the Serengeti and
concludes the safari part of our trip. Tomorrow we fly a small plane
from the local dirt airstrip back into Arusha and begin our visit at
St. Judes school.

What a great end to the safari! We started the morning by watching a
cheetah eat a freshly killed gazelle 15 feet from our truck. Later in
the morning we found the ever-elusive leopard on a branch 30 feet
above the ground, having carefully placed a gazelle carcass on a
neighboring branch. We ended the day with a nice evening drive during
which we saw more lions and a pair of small elephant calves.

We have invited Moses to join us for dinner tonite. He has been a
great guide and has become a friend. We will all be sad to part ways
with him but are hopeful that we will see him again.

I have been unable to post for the last several days so by the time
you are reading this I suspect the last several days of entries will
all post at the same time. Be sure to check beyond the front page to
see if there is something more you haven't seen.

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