Saturday, July 17, 2010

Doing Nothing in Zanzibar

On our first full day on the island we pretty-well accomplished our
goal of doing absolutely nothing.

After a nice walk on the beach during which many shells were
collected, Heidi, Ben, Monica, and I went back to the rooms and woke
Grant for breakfast. We spent the entire day swimming and lounging
around, with the big activity for the day consisting of a walk down to
the Blue Bay Beach Resort where we enjoyed a long leisurely lunch.

We had arranged for a private, candle-lit lobster barbeque dinner on
the beach, and headed down to the Star Bar to have a drink and wait
for dinner. We were joined there only by a bush baby, our first
sighting of the entire trip.

The hotel staff had set up a table and chairs on the beach and were
grilling an assortment of seafood. The whole affair was 'guarded' by
a Maasai in traditional red robes and complete with long belted
knife. Dinner was fantastic, with more lobster on the table than I
had seen since our Boston clam bake days.

The waiter requested that Monica and I take the two chairs facing the
water, but since Heidi and Ben were nervous about having their backs
to the surf in the dark, I ended up facing uphill, away from the
ocean. At one point early in the dinner I leaned back which, because
of the slope of the beach and the rickety nature of the chair, caused
me to go tumbling over backwards into the sand. The look on the faces
on our chef, waiter, and Maasai guard were priceless. I'm not sure
what they thought my reaction would be, but when I emerged from the
sand laughing hysterically they definitely showed signs of relief.

At the end of dinner our Maasai friend built us a fire on the beach
and we sat around talking for a few minutes before heading off to bed.
A perfect end to a nice relaxing day.

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